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Egyptian units

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< Units Index | Egyptian Myth units >


Pharaoh -Detailed information
Egyptian hero unit. You start with a pharaoh, and he regenerates if killed. As well as countering myth units, he can heal units, gather relics, and empower buildings.

Age: Archaic
Strong against: Myth Units
Weak against: Regular Units

Priest -Detailed information
Priests are lesser versions of the Pharaoh - but you can have as many as you want. They cannot ordinarily empower buildings and cannot carry relics, but instead they have the ability to summon Obelisks, which are cheap structures that provide LOS.

Created at: Town Center, Temple
Age: Archaic
Strong against: Myth Units
Weak against: Regular Units

Son of Osiris -Detailed information
Osiris' god power converts the Pharaoh into mighty Son of Osiris. The Son of Osiris has a massive attack, and his lightning attack will hit up to four units at once. Because he retains his bonus to myth units, the Son of Osiris is even more devastating than the Pharaoh against them.

Age: Mythic
Strong against: Myth Units, Human units
Weak against: Not much...

Regular Units

Laborer (Villager) -Detailed information
Villagers are essential to gathering resources that will fund your army, and building structures to expand your empire. A strong empire has many villagers.

Created at: Town Center
Age: Archaic
Weak against: Everything

Mercenary -Detailed information
Mercenaries are extremely powerful units, units that have 'no true counter'. They are trained almost instantly and take no pop slots, and are useful for when you are fighting near a Town Center. However, be careful when using Mercenaries as they cost a lot of gold and die after 40 seconds.

Created at: Town Center
Age available: Archaic
Strong against: Infantry, Cavalry
Weak against: Archers, Hypaspist, Axemen, Throwing Axemen

Mercenary Cavalry -Detailed information
Like the Mercenary, the Mercenary Cavalry is an extremely powerful unit trained at lightning speed, but has an expensive gold cost and dies after 40 seconds. The Mercenary Cavalry is faster and tougher, but more expensive than the Archaic age Mercenary.

Created at: Town Center
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Archers, Throwing Axemen
Weak against: Hoplites, Spearmen, Ulfsarks, Prodromos, Camels

Spearman -Detailed information
The Spearman is a fast infantry unit that is good against cavalry, but also useful against some ranged units such as Slingers due to its speed.

Created at: Barracks
Age available: Classical
Strong against: Cavalry, Slingers, Peltasts
Weak against: Archers, Hypaspists, Axemen, Throwing Axemen

Axeman -Detailed information
The Axeman is the Egyptian infantry counter. It is very powerful against Infantry, but nothing else.

Created at: Barracks
Age available: Classical
Strong against: Infantry
Weak against: Archers, Throwing Axemen

Slinger -Detailed information
The Slinger is the Egyptian counter to Archers and counterinfantry such as the Throwing Axeman or Axeman. It is not very powerful against anything else, though.

Created at: Barracks
Age available: Classical
Strong against: Archers, Throwing Axemen, Axemen, Hypaspists
Weak against: Cavalry, Spearmen, Huskarls

Camelry -Detailed information
Camelry are tough and fast units that are good against other cavalry - however their speed and power also make them effective against archers and siege weapons.

Created at: Migdol Stronghold
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Cavalry
Weak against: Infantry, Prodromos

Chariot Archer -Detailed information
The Chariot Archer is a long ranged and highly mobile archer, good against infantry.

Created at: Migdol Stronghold
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Infantry
Weak against: Cavalry, Peltasts, Slingers, Huskarls

War Elephant -Detailed information
War Elephants are very tough cavalry units that are good against buildings. They are also good against archers, however their slow speed sometimes hampers their ability to counter faster moving ranged units.

Created at: Migdol Stronghold
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Buildings, Archers
Weak against: Hoplites, Spearmen, Ulfsarks, Camelry, Prodromos

Siege Tower -Detailed information
The Siege Tower is a powerful siege weapon, but must get adacent to an enemy building to attack. 5 units can garrison inside. The Siege Tower has a weak ranged attack which it uses against units.

Created at: Siege Camp
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Buildings
Weak against: Cavalry (Or any hack damage units)

Catapult -Detailed information
Catapults are the most powerful long ranged siege weapon in the game. They can strike from long distance, and do heavy damage. They're the perfect building killer.

Created at: Siege Camp
Age available: Mythic
Strong against: Buildings, Ships
Weak against: Cavalry (Or any hack damage units)

Caravan -Detailed information
Caravans gather gold by making a trip between a market and a friendly town center. They are a good way of gaining gold once you have exhausted your gold mines.

Created at: Market
Age: Heroic
Weak against: Everything

Fishing Boat -Detailed information
Fishing Boats gather food from fish patches in the ocean. Like farms, fish patches are infinite, but only one fish boat can use one fish patch. Fishing is a cheaper source of food than farming, but harder to defend from enemies.

Created at: Dock
Age: Archaic
Weak against: Everything

Transport Ship -Detailed information
Transport ships carry land units over water. They are easily destroyed if not escorted by friendly units, and will lose their precious cargo if sunk.

Created at: Dock
Age: Classical
Weak against: Everything

Kebenit -Detailed information
The Kebenit is the Egyptian arrow type ship. It counters ramming ships.

Created at: Dock
Age available: Classical
Strong against: Ramming ships
Weak against: Siege ships

Ramming Galley -Detailed information
The Ramming Galley is the Egyptian ramming type ship, and counters siege ships. Ramming ships are also good against naval myth units.

Created at: Dock
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Siege ships, Naval MU's
Weak against: Arrow ships

War Barge -Detailed information
The War Barge is the Egyptian siege type ship. It not only counters arrow ships but is also effective at taking out shoreline fortifications due to its long range and high attack.

Created at: Dock
Age available: Heroic
Strong against: Arrow ships, Buildings
Weak against: Ramming ships

< Units Index | Egyptian Myth units >

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Massive Attack’s album Mezzanine is 20 years old. To celebrate, the band is working with scientists to store the album on DNA. Once coded, the band’s classic album could last for at least hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years or longer. The technology that allows this was developed at ETH Zurich, and that’s where the band went to get their business done.

“While the information stored on a CD or hard disk is a sequence of zeros and ones, biology stores genetic information in a sequence of the four building blocks of DNA: A, C, G and T,” said Robert Grass, professor at ETH Zurich’s Functional Materials Laboratory. “This method allows us to archive the music for hundreds to thousands of years.” Carve your name the wall of a cave – etch your music in the code of a little DNA.

The image you see below comes from ETH Zurich and Robert Grass. It represents one twenty-seven-thousandth of the code required to represent the entirety of Mezzanine. All of the songs, all encoded into A, C, G, and T. The team suggested they’d need to create approximately 5,000 glass spheres each with a diameter of 160 nanometers to represent the whole album.

Each beat has a thin, bright layer (as indicated by the arrow in the image near this paragraph). That layer contains the DNA with the audio information of the album Mezzanine. Grass’ team first converted each music file to Opus format. According to ETH Zurich, an unnamed USA-based company is converting the music files into approximately 920,000 DNA strands.

The next step comes with ETH spinoff company TurboBeads. The folks at TurboBeads insert the produced molecules, DNA strands, into 5,000 glass spheres. Over the course of a couple months this Summer, the 5,000 glass spheres should, together, contain the entirety of the album. The end result is a mass of matter too small to be seen with the naked human eye.

SEE ALSO: CRISPR digital DNA data storage

The beads will be stored in water.* The DNA can be reclaimed at any time, and the DNA can be read back out and converted back into music. It’s down to the code – as simple as it gets. Knowledge, audio, conversion, magical mathematics.

“Compared to traditional data-storage systems, it is quite complex and expensive to store information on DNA,” said Grass. “However, once information is stored on DNA, we can make millions of copies quickly and cost-effectively with minimal effort.”

NOTE: The tech used with glass beads here is different from that of the CRISPR tech in the study linked to the side of this article. Both are relatively new, and both are absolutely amazing.

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To learn more about the process of converting digital information into DNA code, have a peek at the paper “Robust Chemical Preservation of Digital Information on DNA in Silica with Error‐Correcting Codes” as published by Angewandte Chemie International Edition, stored online by Wiley Online Library. This paper was authored by Dr. Robert N. Grass, Dr. Reinhard Heckel, M.Sc. Michela Puddu, M. Sc. Daniela Paunescu, and Prof. Wendelin J. Stark and can be found with code (URL) in 04 February 2015. Massive Attack’s storage of Mezzanine is the first commercial usage of the technology in the history of the world.

If you’ve never heard Massive Attack, here’s a song – probably their best-known song – that’ll be part of the glass bead project. It’ll be approximately 1/11th of the project, since the album has 11 songs.

*Music recorded directly to water isn’t yet a reality – HOWEVER, it was discussed in the cartoon Metalocalypse in around 2010. Apparently the My Little Pony crew had the idea at some point too. Have a peek at a mashup of the two, here, immediately:

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