Provide Us With Feedback & Win Some Prizes


Microsoft 365 learning pathways is an open source project that's supported through an online issues list on GitHub. The Microsoft 365 learning pathways solution is not covered by any existing Microsoft support contract.

MU Health Care values your feedback, positive or negative. We offer a few ways for you to send us a comment about a recent experience or offer suggestions for services we provide. Help us improve by supplying us feedback. The best way to provide meaningful feedback on written assignments is to provide your students a sample feedback code sheet. Such a sheet provides explanations for the coding system that you will use, which will, in turn, help your students correct their own mistakes.

Provide Us With Feedback & Win Some Prizes 2020

Report Issues

If you have issues with the open source site template or webpart that delivers the Microsoft 365 learning pathways experience, please enter your issue in our GitHub issues list. You can find this list at


As is standard with open source solutions, the community triages these issues for resolution. Feature requests are transferred into our User Voice instance noted below. Code bugs are escalated to the community and service managers for triage and resolution.

Provide us feedback

Our solution is only a success if it is enabling your business outcomes. Please help us to make it better by giving us regular feedback through UserVoice. We regularly review all your comments and questions.

Provide Us With Feedback & Win Some Prizes List

Usage Questions

Provide Us With Feedback & Win Some Prizes Remaining

For questions about best practices in using the Microsoft 365 learning pathes, join us on the Driving Adoption forums on the Microsoft Technical Community at