Parentscoach Mcdonald's Health Class Website


  1. Parentscoach Mcdonald's Health Class Websites
  2. Parentscoach Mcdonald's Health Class Website Templates

'Thetask is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what nobodyyet has thought about that which everybody sees.' –Arthur Schopenhauer

McDonald’s is playing it safe during the coronavirus pandemic, with the launch of new precautionary health safety checks for employees across the U.S. Wednesday, March 11 -Analysis and summary of Chapters 13-14. Complete 1-4 on the split-page notes.

Parentscoach mcdonald

Course: Health

Instructor: Mr. McDonald

Room: 214



Course Objective: The primary objective of IS7 is todevelop an introductory understanding of a variety of scientific fields. Thisclass will follow the Anchorage School District's Science Framework. It will:

• Give you a frame of reference in which you can look at the development anddissemination of science in a critical manner;

• Explain many of the natural phenomena that you may have questions about.

Course Overview: 1. Introduction to Science (Inquiry)
2. Life Sciences
3. Physical Sciences
4. Chemistry
5. Earth Science

Course Assessment: Homework, Labs, notebook, and Quizzes:Students should keep an up to date assignment sheet and day-planner showing allassigned work and due dates. To assist you, my website will be updated daily- checkit regularly. Parents: please ask to see our student's assignment sheet orplanner periodically and use my website to check its accuracy. Quizzes willusually occur two times per month (some without notice!), and homework will beassigned 1-2 times per week. All assignments (classwork, labs, homework, etc.)will carry equal weight unless specified otherwise. Quizzes are worth twice asmuch as regular assignments. If you are absent on the day of a lab or quiz thedistrict guidelines regarding makeup work will be followed - be familiar withthem. The way this will actually appear in the gradebook is that mostassignments will be worth 100 points, quizzes will be worth 200, and studyguides will be worth 50. There will be exceptions to this approach and theywill be noted in class.

Parentscoach Mcdonald

Lab Notebooks: You will keep a lab notebook.In this laboratory notebook, you will be assigned to take notes, doassignments, and complete entry questions. This notebook will be keptchronologically and each new entry will have the date and assignment written atthe top. If you are absent, you will be responsible for any entries that youmissed. Laboratory notebook will usually be collected completing a unit orduring in class laboratory assignments. You will be graded by completion andcontent. Every entry will receive up to 5 pts for how complete it is and 5 ptsfor its content. To receive the best grade, please follow all the instructionsand put real effort into your assignments. Please write neatly, take pride andshow responsibility for your work.

Tests: The final examwill be worth 15% of your final grade.

Assessment: You will keep allhandouts, notes, readings, and completed work in a binder or in your labnotebook during the semester - keep it current and in chronological order. Yourfinal exam will be comprehensive and I promise that you will do far better ifyou keep everything you receive in this class and keep it organized. Individualassignments will be assessed on a sliding scale (highest percentage = 100%,with grades following in 10% increments) using the traditional classificationscheme: A, B, C, D, F, and Incomplete. Quarterly meetings will be held toreview each student’s progress in the course. At this time a participationgrade will also be assessed (it will be equal in weight to one assignment).

Extra Credit: Students may arrange forextra credit projects by discussing them in advance with the instructor. ECwork will only be arranged with students who have completed all of theirregularly assigned work. On rare occasions the instructor may assign extra creditto the class as a whole, but do not expect it or count on it as a way toimprove your grade. There is no substitute for regular and consistent effort.

Parentscoach Mcdonald's Health Class Websites

Hint: Reviewing and discussingcourse material on a regular basis - not just the night before the quiz willhelp you greatly in this class.


1. Take this class - and your intellectual development - seriously.
2. Be on time and prepared to learn (materials and attitude).
3. Listen the first time instructions are given.
4. Follow all class and lab safety rules.
Attendance: Come to classevery day. Since something different will happen in every class, you could missout on some important stuff by not attending. In addition, the textbook issupplemental to class lectures and activities, not a substitute. As an addedincentive, active participation during class can improve your gradesubstantially. If you miss class you are still responsible for any workassigned and/or material covered. According to the ASD policy, you will have 1day to make up your missed work for each day that you are absent. When you areabsent you MUST check either my website or the assignment list in class formissing work BEFORE you talk to Mr. McDonald. Making up missed work is YOURresponsibility, though Mr. McDonald will make every effort to help you catchup. The best time to talk to Mr. McDonald about make-up work is during lunch orafter class, not at the beginning of class when the bell is ringing.
NOTE: Fifteen absences from thisclass during the semester will prevent you from receiving credit.
Tardiness: I take tardinessvery seriously. As such, I maintain a very strict tardy policy. Beginning onthe 2nd week of school any student who is tardy (not inside the door when thebell rings) will be marked as tardy. I promise that this will be an activeclass; so missing even a few minutes is not acceptable. In addition, theGruening Middle School policies will be fully enforced. Homework will beexpected on its due date before class begins.

Late assignments:Late work may be turned in for reduced credit - specifically, the assignmentwill be worth 65% of the earned grade but will not be accepted after a) tendays, b) the unit quiz, or c) the assignment has been graded and returned tothe class as a whole. You will receive 2 late passes per a semester. At the endof the semester unused late passes may be turned in for 50pts extra credit.(Late passes must be used for late assignments first before applied to extracredit)

Materials: Come to classwith your binder, relevant notes/assignments, lined paper, and a writingutensil (pencil is preferred). Any deviation from this routine will adverselyaffect your success - and therefore your grade - in this class. No passes willbe given to retrieve materials.
Hall Passes: Hallpasses will not be issued during the first or last ten minutes of class. Pleasedon't ask. At other times passes will be given at a reasonable rate for validreasons.
Plagiarism and Cheating:Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. The first offense will result in agrade of N/C for that assignment. The second offense will result in aparent/teacher conference and the involvement of the school administration.

Parentscoach Mcdonald's Health Class Website Templates

Disclaimer: This is not a complete listing ofclass rules; these will be covered in greater detail during class time. Inaddition, I reserve the right to add or delete specific rules during thesemester as long as I give you prior verbal notice.